Pc With Dust Filter

Description DEEPCOOL FILTER A120
The DEEPCOOL computer anti-pump filter FAN FILTER A120 prevents the entry of domestic dust and small debris into a fixed computer hull during the operation of the cooling fan. Provides good air circulation, facilitates efficient cooling and accidental work of the SC. The product is easily clicked between the fan and Computer♪ As the filter is polluted, the filter shall be washed in a soap solution and water, and shall be refilled after full drying. Even if there is no visible contamination, the manufacturer recommends that the filter be treated at least once a month. DEEPCOOL FAN FILTER A120 is made of aluminium, which guarantees long and multiple use. Approaches 120x120 mm hull fans.
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Report the errorBasic characteristics
General parameters | |
Name of the part from the manufacturer. | DEEPCOOL FAN FILTER A120 |
Actual product color. Two or more colour values do not indicate the option of choice, but indicate all colours present in this position. | Metal |
Design | |
The characteristic points to the material constituting the main part of the detail. | aluminium |
Appointment may be of a technical or decorational nature. Technical assignments have details that will improve the work of the SC, for example by filtering the dust. The decorative function has details that will change design without affecting the work of the PK, such as the secular tape. | dust protection |
Additional | |
A set of goods with a list of all components in the package and their number. | anti-pump filter |
Description of the additional characteristics and attributes of the detail. | 120x120 mm |